This is a mind map that contains information about the design technology.
Edited at 2020-10-12 03:33:15Design Technology
General Capabilities
Critical and Creative thinking
Personal and Social capabilities
Ethical understanding
Intercultural understanding
Content Elaborations
The support and descritpions to elaborate oneach content descriptor throughout foundationto year 10.
Investigate, design, plan,manage, create and evaluatesolutions
creative, innovative and enterprising when usingtraditional, contemporary and emerging technologies
Make informed and ethical decisions about therole, impact and use of technologies for asustainable future
Engage confidently with and responsibly select and manipulateappropriate technologies when designing and creating solutions
Critique, analyse and evaluate problems, needsor opportunities to identify and createsolutions.
Band levels
Foundation to year 2
Year 3 to year 6
Year 7 to year 10
Student diversity
Student with disabilities
The same standards in consideration with the necessary adjustments to theway in which they are taught and how they demonstrate their learning.
The way in which the lessons are conducted need toensure those with physical disabilities canparticipate and achieve on the same basis as theirpeers.
This might involve students using modifiedtools, materials or equipment to createsolutions.
EAL/D learners enter school atvarious ages and stages of learningEnglish.
There are a significant number of students who are not literate in their first language, and have had little or no formal schooling.
The aims of technologies in the Australian Curriculum are thesame for all students, however EAL/D learners must achieve thesestandards whilst also learning a new language and learningcontent.
Gifted and talented students
Using the Australian Curriculum teachers are ableto cater for individual learning needs for suchstudents.
This can be done through learning in moredepth, emphasising specific areas and focusingon crosscurriculum priorities.
Key Ideas
Project management
Students will develop skills to manage projects tosuccessful completion
Systems thinking
A holistic approach to the identification andsolving of problems where the focal points aretreated as components of a system.
Design thinking
Involves the use of strategies for understanding design needs andopportunities that best meet the criteria for success.
Computational thinking
A problem-solving method that is applied tocreate solutions that can be implemented usingdigital technologies.
Achievement Standards
It involves the students demonstrating their understandings and knowledge through pieces of work, assignments, tests and the constant recordings of the classroom teacher.
CrossCurriculum Priorities
Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander histories and cultures
Students identify and explore the understandings and knowledge of technologyused by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in past, present andfuture applications.
Students explore the links between Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander People and the environments, histories, cultures andidentities and use it within Design and Technology and DigitalTechnology to create products.
Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
Students investigate the links between Australia and Asia and how Australia hascontributed to the creation of products and services.
Using this area of the curriculum, students generate ideas and concepts, create solutions for sustainabile economic, environmental and social impacts.
This area of the curriculum narrows down into the knowledge,understanding and skills necessary to design actions that areeffective towards sustainability.
Content descriptors
The information and description of what eachstudent must achieve from the focus point ofthe start of the year towards the end of theyear.
Knowledge, understanding and skills in each subject are presented through two related strands:
Knowledge and understanding
Technologies and society
the use, development andimpact of technologies inpeople’s lives
Technologies contexts
•technologies and design acrossa range of technologies contexts
Digital systems
•the components of digital systems:hardware, software and networks and theiruse
Representation of data
•how data are represented andstructured symbolically
Processes and production skills
Creating designed solutions by: •investigating•generating •producing •evaluating•collaborating and managing
Collecting, managing andanalysing data Creating digitalsolutions by:
•defining •designing•implementing •evaluating
•collaborating and managing